250+ Resources to Help You Become a CSS Expert

CSS is the second-most-important thing you can master when it comes to web design, right after HTML.And the capabilities of CSS can be staggering (especially with the new CSS3 standard already making appearances in some browsers).If you can imagine it, it’s likely someone has already figured out how to do it with CSS.

Below are more than 250 resources for mastering CSS. While they’re not likely to make it any less staggering, they can help you master the techniques that will help set your designs apart from the crowd.

CSS3 Resources

30 Essential CSS3 Resources - A roundup of 30 great tutorials, tips, and other resources for what’s new in CSS3.

20 Useful Resources for Learning About CSS3 - A great collection of CSS3 tutorials.

CSS3 Unleashed—Tips, Tricks and Techniques - A huge roundup of CSS3 resources broken down by category.

20 Very Useful CSS3 Tutorials - Another rundown of good tutorials for learning the new capabilities of CSS3.

CSS3 Exciting Functions and Features: 30+ Useful Tutorials - More than thirty tutorials for learning to use some of CSS3’s more interesting new features.

References and Cheatsheets

CSS Property Index - An alphabetical listing of every CSS property.

Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 - This is the official specifications of CSS 2.1 from the World Wide Web Consortium.

CSS Shorthand Guide - A cheatsheet covering basic CSS shorthand formats.

CSS Cheat Sheets - Two cheat sheets from About.com—one basic and one for CSS layouts.

Listamatic - This site offers up examples of how to use CSS to create radically different list styles.

Beginner’s Guide from a Seasoned CSS Designer - This is a huge resource list for CSS beginners.

CSS: Getting Into Good Coding Habits - This article offers some best-practices for your CSS coding.

5 Tips for Organizing Your CSS - This article offers up five really useful methods for keeping your stylesheets better organized (and, therefore, easier to edit later).

My 5 CSS Tips - A collection of five simple tips for creating better CSS.

Playing Nice with the Other CSS Kids - A guide to writing maintainable CSS.

Squeaky Clean CSS - Another guide to creating maintainable, minimalist CSS.

Quirks Mode and Strict Mode - A guide to quirks mode and strict mode in modern browsers.

CSS Basics - A complete online guide to CSS coding in book form.

CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) - A single-page CSS reference that lists all of the CSS 2.1 selectors.

Will the Browser Apply the Rule(s)? - A chart showcasing which CSS hacks and rules are supported in which browsers.

CSS Properties to JavaScript Reference Conversion - A very useful chart for seeing the conversions of CSS Properties to JavaScript References.

CSS Cheatsheet - A two-page quick-reference guide for CSS2.

Core CSS: Part 1 - A 6-page reference guide for basic CSS elements from Refcardz.

CSS Shorthand Cheat Sheet (PDF) - A reference sheet for CSS shorthand format.

GoSquared CSS Help Sheet (PDF) - A quick-reference guide to CSS basics.

Using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - A basic guide to CSS, including the benefits of using CSS.

5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - Some tips for writing good CSS that’s both efficient and effective.

Optimizing Your Website Structure for Print Using CSS - A guide to creating stylesheets for print.

PrintStylesheets - Another guide to creating print stylesheets.

CSS Typography: Contrast Techniques, Tutorials, and Best Practices - A great collection of CSS typography resources.

Powerful CSS Techniques for Effective Coding - A collection of CSS techniques, ideas, and solutions for better CSS coding.

Resetting Your CSS Styles with CSS Reset - A complete guide to resetting styles.

Structural Naming Convention in CSS - An article about naming elements based on what they are instead of where they are or how they look.

Improving Code Readability With CSS Styleguides - An article covering five techniques you can use to make your code more maintainable and manageable.

70 Expert Ideas for Better CSS Coding - A collection of expert tips for improving your code.

CSS Float Theory: Things You Should Know - A guide to understanding floats in CSS.

Complete CSS Guide - A huge resource covering virtually every part of CSS.

Typographic Contrast and Flow - An article outlining the basics of creating good type with sufficient typographic contrast in CSS.

How to Size Text in CSS - A thorough guide to CSS text sizing.

Creating Sexy Stylesheets - A great guide to creating cleaner, better-structured, and easier-to-maintain stylesheets.

CSS Cheat Sheet - A very complete web-based CSS cheat sheet.

13 Training Principles of CSS Everyone Should Know - A list of basic CSS conventions you should be aware of.

Examples and Tips for Great HTML/CSS Formatting - A great collection of tips for creating better-structured CSS.

Resource Guide - This is the CSS resource guide from CSS Zen Garden.

CSS Vault Resources - A large collection of resources for all sorts of CSS techniques, tutorials, and more.

CSS Beauty - A site offering up CSS news, resources, and a gallery.

CSS Cheat Sheet: Inheritance, Cascade, Specificity - A printable quick-reference guide to which properties inherit (and those that don’t), how the cascade works, and the basics of specificity.

CSS Quick Reference Guide - A page offering up all the basic CSS measurements, properties, values, selectors and media types.

Using CSS Shortcuts - A reference guide to some basic CSS shorthand.

Web Developer’s Handbook - This is a massive collection of CSS and other resources, including showcases, tools, and more.

Designing on a Dime: 100 Freebie CSS Resources - A large collection of CSS resources, including articles, tutorials, layouts, and more.

15 CSS Properties You Probably Never Use (but perhaps should) - This article covers fifteen often-overlooked CSS properties that many designers might not even know exist.

10 Principles of the CSS Masters - A collection of great principles and guidelines from some of the masters of CSS.

CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know - A guide to CSS specificity, one of the most difficult CSS concepts to grasp.

Solving 5 Commons CSS headaches - A guide to dealing with CSS issues like IE6’s double-margin bug and ineffective styles.
