Coolest Error 404 Pages In Web Design, Part III

If you have a broken link on your website then visitors will get an internal error message from the server, which don’t exist any longer, have moved to a new server or have never existed at all. By default these messages aren’t that helpful. Therefore, we believe that having a cool and creative Error 404 page in website including beautiful web design is as important as having great content. If you have an interesting 404 error page on your website or blog, you may have a second chance to re-engage your visitors by re-directing them to the home page, and if you do not have an error page that can show the quality of your web design then you might be thinking of creating one which can inspire everyone.

Club Penguin

Club Penguin

Kochatelier Berlin

Kochatelier Berlin

daniel karcher

daniel karcher

Acro Media Inc

Acro Media Inc

South Park Studios

South Park Studios

Dundee Living

Dundee Living



Jim Cromwell

Jim Cromwell


