10+ JQuery tutorials for working with HTML forms

Selecting Multiple Select Form Elements on the Fly

Javascript is very good to enhance your forms usuability. Using JQuery, you’ll save a precious time and do lots of things in a simpler manner that if you where using "classic" Javascript.

This tutorial is a very good example of JQuery’s power when it comes to forms.

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Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery

I definitely love that one. Have you ever seen theses websites where clients or registered users can click on a link to make a login panel appear? If you loved it, Nettuts tells you how to do it. It’s so easier that you’ll be surprised.

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Creating a Digg Style Sign Up Form

Although Digg may be controversial at some point, everyone agrees that their site design is tip top. Designshack created this tutorial, where you can lear to create a very nice, "digg-style" sign up form.

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Enlarge input fields on focus

How can you type a long text in a 200 pixels wide textarea? If this sounds good to you, you’ll probably enjoy this article where you’ll learn how to automatically enlarge input fields at focus.

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WordPress contact form without a plugin, using jQuery

As I know most of my readers have a WordPress blog and generally likes to tweak it, I’m pretty sure that you’ll love to learn how to create a contact form plugin, using JQuery.

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jQuery Ajax Delete

Lots of tutorials tells you how to add content using Ajax, but finding great info about deleting content isn’t that easy. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to remove content using JQuery, for a similar result than in WOrdPress dashboard, when you validate a comment in the "Pending" section.

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