Eye Catching Mac Screensavers


Flux Screensaver

This screensaver creates tons of moving light particles that occupy customizable number of flux fields. Many settings are available for you to play around with.

Watching these virtual fireflies dancing around your screen and leaving colorful trails will surely stupefy your mind.


Flocks Screensaver

A screensaver that depicts a groups of flocks flying together by following defined leaders. With proper settings, the movement of all particles can produce a stunning scene.

Solar Winds

Solar Winds Screensaver

Another amazing screensaver that draws a movement of light particles with customizable number of emitters, winds, and particles.


Hyperspace Screensaver

Hyperspace is a screensaver that sends its users on a virtual trip through a wormhole, just like the ones in some sci-fi TV shows and movies. Meanwhile, nebulas and stars fly by.


Cyclone Screensaver

This screensaver simulates the shape of cyclone that can sweep through every corner of your screen display.


Euphoria Screensaver

With layers of plasma-like objects, this screensaver keeps your eyes entertained. Good eye-candy for those who love colorful objects.


Filigree Screensaver

Filigree is a screensaver that shows a network of lines as they weave elaborate and chaotic patterns through space.

Liquid Screensaver


Metamercury Screensaver

Ridiculously hypnotic, this screensaver lets you watch blobs of liquid material bouncing around, melding, separating, and bouncing some more. This screensaver is fully adjustable for a range of processor and 3D card speeds.


LotsaGlass Screensaver

Plasma Tunnel

Plasma Tunnel Screensaver

A screensaver that brings you to travel through an endless dimension of plasma tunnel.
