If you are now using a modern version of MacKeeper (2015 or newer), you can repeat the below process to uninstall MacKeeper from your Mac.
Uninstall MacKeeper completely from your Mac using our easy guides. This is genuine software and not malware, but ZeoBit made it difficult for the average user to remove the software from their Mac.
Uninstall the latest Mackeeper 2019
Uninstalling Mackeepwe is not too difficult as you think. If the built-in tool in your Mac could not completely uninstall Mackeeper, then you can try third-party software for the help. Here are two software that can totally remove Mackeeper from your Mac.
Remove Mackeeper with Cleanmymac
- Download and install Cleanmymac on your Mac first
- Once you are done, just open the software and select Uninstaller.
- From there, click on Mackeeper and uninstall it.
Wait for the process to complete. Almost of Mackeeper folders are already uninstalled remove. But, the Mackeeper Helper folder still exists. It’s the main reason that causes damage to your computer. To delete it:
- Open Spotlight and type in ~/Library/Application Support
Here, scroll down and find Mackeeper Helper folder. Note a file, named NoticeEngine.plugin and delete it.
- Empty the Trash and reboot your Mac. That’s done!
Uninstall Mackeeper with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
This method is even much easier than the above one. All you need is just to install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and it will then complete your work. Read on these steps below to move Mackeeper using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software.
- First, download and install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac (it’s free)
- Once done, launch the software and click on Scan
- The tool will automatically find out and remove Mackeeper on your Mac.
Enjoy a cup of tea and wait for the progress to complete.
Uninstall MacKeeper 2015 / Uninstall MacKeeper 3
In recent years, MacKeeper has become easier to uninstall and remove from your Mac.
1) Launch MacKeeper from your Applications folder.
2) Choose Quit from the MacKeeper menu.
3) Drag the MacKeeper app to your Trash.
4) You will be prompted for your Administrator password, enter it.
5) You will see the above window. Click “Uninstall MacKeeper” to completely remove all components.
Uninstall MacKeeper 2012 with Uninstaller (Automatic)
If you have used MacKeeper to encrypt any of your data, you must decrypt it now before uninstalling. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to access your data later. This only applies to data encrypted using MacKeeper.
First, move the MacKeeper application to the Trash. According to its developer ZeoBit, this should trigger the Uninstall window which promises to remove all related files. This is the easiest way of removing the software.
Uninstall MacKeeper 2011 and earlier (Manual Removal)
If you want to be sure MacKeeper is completely uninstalled, I would recommend steps below to Uninstall MacKeeper.
If you are using Time Machine, you will also need to remove MacKeeper files from your Time Machine backups. This is described in #3 and needs to be repeated for all files that need removing.
1) If MacKeeper is running, quit the application.
2) Navigate to the Library folder in your Macintosh HD. Look for the Application Support folder and then for the ‘MacKeeper’ folder.
/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper
3) If you are using Time Machine, do this step. Enter Time Machine, and in the Time Machine interface, within a Finder folder, use the gear/cog icon menu and choose ‘Delete all backups of – file’. You will be requested to enter your Administrator password to confirm the deletion. You can then exit Time Machine and continue the steps below.
4) In Library, look for and trash any of the following files. Do the same method as above for Time Machine if you need to, carrying out the Time Machine step before sending files to the Trash.
/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.AntiVirus /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.plugin.AntiTheft.daemon
5) You will also need to remove the following files.
Note: On Mac OS X Lion 10.7 and Mountain Lion 10.8, Apple decided to hide the Home folder’s Library. It can still be accessed, you just have to know how. Hold ‘Option’ (alt) key while using the Go menu in the Finder, and the Library menu item will appear. You can also access it using the Go -> Go To Folder menu command, or shortcut CMD+Shift+G.
Remember to remove these files from your Time Machine backup using the tip above before moving to Trash.
Home/Library/Caches/com.zeobit.MacKeeper Home/Library/Caches/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper Home/Library/LaunchAgents/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper Home/Library/LaunchAgents/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.plugin.Backup.agent Home/Library/Preferences/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.plist Home/Library/Preferences/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist
Warning: Only files containing the words ‘zeobit’, ‘MacKeeper’, ‘911’, or ‘911bundle’ should be deleted.
6) Go to Applications -> Utilities -> Keychain Access and open it. Unlock the Keychain and enter your Administrator password. You need to remove any items in the Keychains that contain ‘MacKeeper’ or ‘zeobit’.
7) Open Activity Monitor, and choose to view ‘All processes’. Check to see if any processes called ‘MacKeeper’, ‘zeobit’ or ’911 bundle’ are still running. Older versions of MacKeeper might have a ‘WINE’ process. If you see any of these, click on the process and hit ‘Quit Process’.
8) Finally, go to your Applications folder and remove MacKeeper.app by moving it to the Trash. You should also unpin it from your Dock by dragging it off.
9) Empty the Trash by clicking on Finder -> Empty Trash.
10) In System Preferences -> Users & Groups (or ‘Accounts’ if you’re using OS X Snow Leopard 10.6) -> Login Items. If MacKeeper or anything related to it is listed there, highlight it and click the ‘-‘ button to remove it.
11) Restart your Mac.
12) After you Restart your Mac, be sure to Repair Disk Permissions and you may also need to repair the User Level permissions (ACLs).
All done, you have uninstalled MacKeeper!